The best speaker on the used market for $1000.00

I am in the market to upgrade my Sequerra NFM Pro monitors and have a 1000 or so to spend. I am looking for something with a grill as we now baby sit my daughters cat and the Sequerra's have no protection I am using a box to cover them when not listening but this is getting old so I am looking for suggestions (other than booting the cat out not an option) to upgrade or is there nothing in the 1000 range that will be an upgrade? I am looking for natural sound and listen to CD SACD's , on an NAD C350 and Sony 555es numerous cables collected over the years and to mostly female vocals, jazz, piano, and chamber music. I listen at low volume since most of my listening is at night after the children are turned in but the family listens from time to time during the day to all kinds of music usually at moderate levels just as background music. I am looking at Revel M20/22 Spendor, Proac, Sonus, and Dynaudio ? I am after natural vocals, the piano to sound like a piano, cymbals to sound real and string instruments to have that grip and raw open musical sound? I am not looking to reproduce a full orchestra in my living room which is 25X16 with a cathedral ceiling open on the 25' end. The Sequerra's are very point source and do a good job, they also have an adjustment for the tweeter for those poorly recorded but classic discs, am I nuts to put the Sequerra's in the closet for now? Thank you for your thoughts.
I think you have some good choices on you list. You might want to add Harbeth on your list. For full range I think you could do a lot worse than a Vandersteen 2Ce, I don't know how much power you NAD has, but I would recommend 100 watt SS for the Vandersteen.
I like used Tyler Reference Monitors in that price range, but a floorstander with a solid footprint might be safer with little kids. Up the range just a tad, something like the Totem Hawk.
Vandersteen 2c would make a great scratching post for the cat...
You have good prospects already on your list. Another consideration would be if you ever wanted to go with tube amps you might consider something that is not a difficult load. BTW, I have Dynaudios, driven by tubes (amazingly well I might add), but previously solid state. Depending on what you like, there are some Focus 110s for sale now on Agon. Also 52s pop up now and then. To me these are very different speakers. The Focus series excels with female vocals, jazz and classical. I think the 52s would probably be a little more well rounded, better on rock, but will hold their on in other Genres. From my above crack, I assume that most of your considerations will be bookshelf speakers on stands.
In the $1,000 price range you can choose either Sonus Faber Concertino/Domus or Dynaudio Audience 52SE. With your NAD amp which leans towards warmth, Dynaudio would be a better choice given your musical preferences. Piano and strings may sound more realistic with the Dynaudio. No experience with Revel or Spendors. Others may have different opinion due to varied listening preferences.