The correct internal-inductance of Windfeld cart.?

What (on earth) is the correct internal-inductance of the Ortofon Peer Windfeld cartridge?

They made a mistake in the brochure about the loading impedance: it says >10k but should read >10 ohms. This was admitted by the factory's techies.

The brochure also says internal-inductance: 700 mH !!!
This you would expect from an MM cart. Was this also a factor 1 000 error? I can not find ANY help on the web to clear this up. Can any one help?
Thanks for the help, why I asked for the correct impedance?
To determine the bandwidth of my system after SUT loading!
f/3dB = R / 2pi*L ...that's why :-)

Got it right now by primary loading 13ohm! Fidelity Research XF-1 type M (1:31.6 ratio) ergo 47ohm natural impedance with 47k phono-pre input impedance. (47k/31.6^2 = 47ohm)

So, 13*47/(13+47) = 10.18 ohm primary input impedance to match PW >10ohm recommended impedance.

The brochure I was referring to is the very one THAT CAME WITH THE CART! Mr. Rauliruegas
(Ortofon do know about their miss-prints, why ask?)

Meanwhile NOBODY at Ortofon commits to a correct impedance figure, other then 10 - 100uH -- Not so professional I say --- the reason? "We don't measure it..." well, well, well
Axelwahl, You originally asked about inductance, not impedance. This naturally led some people to ask why you wanted that information, since the proper loading of your cartridge is easiest to calculate based on the square of its turns ratio of the SUT you are using, if you know the desired load. For example, if you want the cartridge to "see" a 100-ohm load (a reasonable guess for a cartidge with a 4-ohm internal impedance, altho I know the Ortofon likes to see a higher value), and if your SUT has a turns ratio of 10:1, then the proper value of the load resistor on the secondary side of the SUT is 10,000 ohms. (The square of the turns ratio = 10^2 = 100; 100*100 ohms (the desired load) = 10,000 ohms.) If you want the Ortofon to see 500 ohms, then you need a 50K ohm load resistor. Maybe you know all this, but the fact remains that inductance of the cartridge is not needed to make this calculation. Folks were trying to help you.
Hi Lewm,
thanks for sharing the calculations.
1) Fidelity Research XF-1 type M, is 1:31.6 xfactor i.e. 30dB.
2) That Windfeld is a bit 'funny' since with no SUT it seems to like at least 500 to 1k ohm load and with some phono-pre's it's even better with 47k!
(I and also some reviewers came to this same finding)
3) I use PRIMARY loading, because if you get it right, it sounds more open --- using secondary loading is something else since as you pointed out the || of your sec. load with the 47k pre-input imp / by the square of (in this case) 31.6 is what the cart sees. Therefore with NO sec. loading the cart sees 47k / 31.6^2 = 47 ohm, didn't I go into that alread?
So any sec. loading now goes || with that 47ohm 'natural-impedance'(I'm neglecting the primary DCR (in the XF-1 case only 1.2 ohms which is also part of the deal)
PRIMARY loading with 100 ohm makes (in this case) the PW cart go beserk, higher like 250, 500, etc is also unworkable.
So you check the minimum spec. loading (usually 2.5 x DCR = 4ohm DCR x 2.5 = 10ohm, it happens to be min. spec by Ortofon, right)
What's left is to get a 1:1 impedance match to this! i.e. 47x13/(47+13)=10.18ohm ---- and as it turns out this sounds the best of the 1001 different versions I've tested.
So it seems to me, that you are working with loading that is non SUT relevant --- the big difference is that with an impedance matched SUT, that cart is working in 'current mode' (not 'voltage mode' as in a non-SUT set-up) and THAT changes EVERYTHING as I had to learn. You can not, I repeat NOT, compare 'current mode' to the 'normal'-voltage mode- loading i.e. with out SUT. Even when using secondary loading -current mode rules?- apply, just that we are now looking at ~ 18k ohm on the seconary producing [47k*18k / (47k+18k)]/ 31.6^2 = 14.1 ohm what the cart sees. Going down to e.g. 13k to make the cart see ~ 10ohm makes it to bright and brittle --- so not all things are quite equal between primary and secondary SUT loading either.
Also using secondary 18k ALSO damps the secondary SUT side --- not necessarily what is best, depending on the circumstances.
I actually just wanted to figure out what bandwidth I can expect by asking an apparently simple question about INDUCTANCE of the PW cart (not impedance as you rightly pointed out, I can measure DCR, but NOT uH!) So... I am still guessing we are looking at ~ 10uH and that gives me ~ 23kHz bandwidth.
Thank you for careing,
Axel, After I made my post, I re-read yours, and I realized I had slightly missed the point of your question. You might want to read the "white paper" on the Jensen transformer website, where they cover the complex issue of loading very well and describe the use of a Zobel network to attain flat fequency response. I've never used a SUT, so thankfully I have not needed to think it thru in as much detail as you have done. I would not have thought that the Ortofon or any other similar MC would be "happy" with only a 10-ohm load, but you have done the listening, whereas I have not. If you have a 47K resistance on the secondary side of you SUT, that will always reflect a 47-ohm impedance to the cartridge (if the tranny has a 10:1 ratio). So if you put 100 ohms on the primary side, the cartridge would "see" 100R in parallel with 47R (i.e., very low). For 10R, the net Z gets even lower. All of this interests me because I have a newly acquired Orto MC7500 direct-driving my phono section. By all accounts these Ortos like about 500 ohms. As regards bandwidth, does not the inductance of the SUT itself have much more effect than the inductance of the cartridge windings? Dunno.
Hi Lewen,
some "small" correction.
A SUT with 10 dB gain, 1:10 xfaxtor i.e. winding ratio, gives you 470 ohms on the cart side and NOT 47 ohm, since 47k / 10^2 = 470ohm -- agreed?

A 1:31.6 xfactor (30 dB gain) give you 47 ohm, since 47k / 31.6^2 = 47 000 / 998.56 = 47.067... ohm :-)
I hope we can agree on the maths, so I won't comment on your 100 ohms consideration etc.
As to the bandwidth:
The trannie(a good one) has about 200kHz bandwidth, so the cart is VERY well within that envelope AND thereby (to interested folks) truely to a degree of interest.
Since, if by some bad coincedence this bandwith goes well below 20kHz and you wonder about all the 'air' that's missing ---- you know where to look.