The day the music died.

50 years tomorrow. R.I.P.
It was Tommy Allsup who lost the coin flip with Valens. Waylon gave up his seat to ther Big Bopper

I bought a box LP set several years ago which includes most everything Buddy ever recorded. Does anyone know of something similar available on CD?

Elvis was bigger than Buddy, but I will always think that Buddy had a much greater influence (and still does) on music and rock.
I have that box (The Complete Buddy Holly) as well.When MCA released it they claimed it was everything.Within months they "found" some more material which became the LP "For the First Time Anywhere".Recently someone gave me a 5 CD-R boot set.Seems to have twenty minutes worth of either Radio announcements of the plane crash or Station IDs.However the most interesting thing to me are the multitudinous versions of RnB tunes reworked into a fusion with country music.Holly seemed to really make it work for me,more so than the Everly's or their later imitators The Flying Burrito Bros.As for the oft asked question "What would Buddy have done given the opportunity?" He was working on pop drivel when he passed.If he couldn't get away from that he may have ended up doing the Superbowl halftime show like the rest of the hasbeens.