The Definition of An Audiophile

My definition of an Audiophile is a person who seeks the recreation/reproduction of music in their home based on a live event.

The purpose of this thread is to gain an understanding of why the majority of people on this forum only compare components to each other. I don’t understand the terms of one amplifier sounding more musical than another. How about the “cold and sterile” attribute often attributed to Halcro amplifiers. The description “tube sounding” description sometimes applied to a solid-state amp is another example.

Whatever happened to a comparison of an actual live event? I consider myself an Audiophile; as well as, I presume, everybody else who frequents this website. How many of you so called Audiophiles have ever been to a decent live event. I’m not talking about your local Civic Center jam packed with 30,000 screaming punks smoking pot, no offense; I used to be one some time ago. How about a concert in a acoustically correct hall with minimal amplification?

The ultimate goal is unadulterated recorded music from the artist to your ears in the privacy of your home. As we all know every electronic component from the front-end source to the speaker adds some form of signature to the recording. The phrase “the best amplifier is the one that adds the least amount of unwanted distortion or noise to a signal” is a very good description. So when I read a thread on a comparison of a particular amplifier that sounds tube like or more musical then another this only mean one thing; the amplifiers are adding unwanted noise!!

Comparisons of “cold and sterile” are based on someone’s reference, most likely, to a tube amplifier or one that sounds tube like with it’s rounded off music transients to avoid the presumed solid state harshness. Have any of you Audiophiles ever thought that the “cold and sterile” attribute just might be the amplifier with the least amount of added distortion or noise to the original source?

How about the next time someone thinks about asking for advice on the qualities of a particular brand compared to another go to a live event before asking the question. That also goes for all you experts, with all the experience of multiple brand ownership and auditioning ready to give the advice. When you’re at this live event ask yourself this question; does the music sound tube like, cold and sterile, or does it sound like the real thing?
Audio-phile: comes from latin AUDIRE which means hear and the greek PHILOS which means friend.

1. Someone with a passion for sound reproduction who presents an obsessive-compulsive behavior generally leading to a loss of contact with spouse amd family.

2. An individual who passes an incredible time to tweek his audio components with a mix of technology, incantations and sometimes voodoo rituals. (see above for the consequences).
Goldorak- She left and never really said why(at least that could hear). Thank you so much for the closure!
I never said it was possible to re-create perfect live music in someone's home or that it was a goal of mine to do just that. I also did not say that live acoustic music was "cold and sterile".

I did say I don't understand the terms more musical and cold and sterile when comparing amps to each other. Music is music as it is produced by the artist. If an amp sounds more musical than another I can only conclude that this particular amp is adding something to the original signal above and beyond the original recording.

Audiophiles are always portrayed and stereotyped as being more into their gear than the music. That's simply not the case on my behalf and I would venture to say most of the people who frequent this forum. The dictionary definition is very close to mine; I actually referenced it before I started the original post.

I know what live acoustic unamplified music is like. It bothers me that the human race will never even get close to reproducing it in a recorded format. We could easily get a little closer if the music wasn't compressed as much when initially recorded.
I know what live acoustic unamplified music is like. It bothers me that the human race will never even get close to reproducing it in a recorded format.


Patience grasshopper, patience. We (the human race) are MUCH better at reproducing live acoustic unamplified music then we were 100 years ago. I believe that 100 years from now we will make MUCH more progress. Sure, you and I may not be around to hear it, we are simply passing through time in an age of instant gratification, but when you step back and look at the larger picture, we are getting closer in leaps and bounds.

Audiophile = Obsessive Compulsive personality + interest in stereo equipment + interest in recorded music.

In that order.
