The one component that you wish you had not bought

Most of us have a component that we spent good money on and then wished that we had not bought.
In my case, it was a Musical Fidelity X-Can V3....which I mistakenly acquired after reading a rave review by
Sam Telling....( yes, I know...that was pretty stupid!). 

What is the one component that you acquired that quickly went back on A'gon?
Focal Micro Utopia Be.  But for a very different reason.  Because it was like a stake through the heart when I was forced to sell them several years ago.  I hope to get them back someday before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Linn LP12 with Radikal power supply. The LP12 majik sounded better and was a fifth of the price. 
YMMV, but a pair of Focal monitors. Hooked them up, listened for a few minutes, unhooked them and listed them for sale. Much to dry and colorless for my taste.

But it wasn't money wasted; rather, it helped solidify my tonal tastes!

I bought a First Watt F7, and for my system it was a complete waste of time and money.

It didn't mesh well with my system. No top end, no air, no life.

There was a mismatch somewhere.