The one that got away

Ok, so if we are on Audiogon, we probably are not afraid of used gear. For many of us I suspect we recall "the one that got away"

For me it was a pair of Marantz 10b tuners. $1200 for both of them. What was I thinking? 

What was yours? 
I would stick with the first version of the 300B story. It was working. You decided to F up a perfectly good story. But that's ok- the SME story is good too 
Post removed 
The “first” version you mention is in reality the “third” version (tailored to fit this specific query).

Though all Three are fictional the first Two have been previously posted to the Internet.

The SME story is non fiction and the purchaser used to post here.

  As I started reading your first sentence regarding the master cases my heart started beating wildly, only to crash severely.
Pair of McIntosh MC1200 for $7,000... They never go under $10k. I tried to bargain...