Theta Pro Basic III upgraded to III A,

Just purchased a Theta Pro Basic III that has been upgraded to a III A. How can you tell? Physically all that is different is a silver sticker on the back that says "Version A". Is that it? Do the stickers differ, or is that the correct one? Please advise. Thanks for the help...Shoemaker.
for $499.95, i'll send you a sticker that says "version b." post me a private email for details. -cfb
You can tell by removing the case. You need essentially no mechanical (and absolutely no electrical) knowledge or ability. There are several small screws to remove (they're quite obvious). Then take the cover off. Now, with the faceplate facing you, in the right rear corner are some green chips that are labeled "WIMA" chips. You can read it with the naked eye, although it's quite small.

Your other option is to ask Theta to run a serial # search. They'll charge you $25 for it though. Good luck.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. Although I am sure that Cornfedboy's "Version B" sticker is a bargain, I'm saving my money to upgrade my "double butt ugly" speakers..Thanks again everyone. It was because of the $25.00 surcharge that I asked you all. I figured that I could get the information just as quickly and accurately here, and it wouldn't cost me. (Except for the ribbing you get from Cornfedboy)...Regards, Shoemaker.
I've got a Pro Gen.VI that was upgraded to a VIa, upgraded to a VII, and finally upgraded to a VIIa to trade for your IIIa. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
shoemaker: you're a damn fine sport to appeciate my "ribbin'." glad you got some actual, helpful advice. -cfb