Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Changed my plans!! Resently I changed my van den Hul Magnum loudspeaker cable's for the Supra PLy 3.4/S cable's, this are screened loudspeaker cables and the screen needs to be connected to ground on the power-amp,  although they are relativ cheap cable's they give a great improvement on SQ in my case, so the idea is to use them also for the internal wirering and pass thru the shielding to the outside with some kind of extra connector to the Supra PLy 3.4/S cable, there is also the option to connect the unit's so everything will be connected to ground.
Holco - I am very interested in your outcome reports. I have never experimented with such configurations, but considerable dynamic electromagnetic fields are at work in the speaker, beyond my understanding of their inner relationships.

I am unclear what elements would be grounded in the speaker, since the + and - leads are both active in the AC / signal feed. Are you envisioning some sort of additional shield in the cabinet? 
The idea is to connect the chassis of the unit's to ground, not the coil's of the unit's, will find out how when I remove them.
So, it seems you may be grounding the driver frames?
Thiel drivers since CS2.2 in 1990 use Faraday networks / shorting rings in the voice coil / pole piece structure which should cancel stray fields. But, stray residual eddy currents are possibly in play.  Please report your findings.
Correct,  I meant the driver frames, the results will be easy to check when unplugging the ground connection.

Btw, sorry for my crooked English.