Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Johngp, just this week I ordered a pair of the BMC Arcadia speakers. I had been using little LSA1 Statement speakers, such as I use in my small room in NM where I avoid Texas summer heat. Frankly, I miss my Contrivas, but the LSAs are very close. I had heard the Arcadias at CES in prototype and with no breakin before the show. I was struck by their dynamics early on and as they broke in, I was very impressed.

But they like the Contrivas are heavy and my listening room in Texas is on the second floor. I have to get movers to get the speakers into my room. With the LSAs, I can carry them into my room myself. I finally decided to go ahead with the Arcadias. This will probably be the last big speakers I buy.
just a 'heads-up'..for those of you in the DC/Maryland area Chalice Audio will be using my 'Grail' amps with Tidal 'Piano Diacera' speakers and dCS products and Argento cabling. Doug Whiyte of 'The Voice That Is'.will also have a room with Tidal 'Contriva Diacera-se' speakers and other great equiptment at the Capital Audio Fest in july...13th-15th.hope some of you can make it there..should be fun..
I am new around here, but have read this thread from the begining. Very interesting stuff that have, in part, motivated me to order a pair of Contriva Diacera SE that should be here (Brazil) by June.
For the moment, I am going to drive them with a pair of Classé Monoblocks CAM-600. Questions:
1) Has anybody tried this match? The CAM-600 are very neutral and I have not seen people with Contrivas + Classé.
2) Next, when cash allows, I am planning to upgrade to Vitus Audio SM-102 monoblocks. Again, is that a good match?

I am new around here, but have read this thread from the beginning. Very interesting and useful stuff that have, in part, motivated me to order a pair of Contriva Diacera SE. They should be here (in Brazil) by June and I will be driving them with a pair o Classé CAM-600 monoblocks. So here is my question: has anybody tried this match? I am kind of worried given that the Classé are very neutral.

Any insights are welcome
Hi Enrique, I will going receive one tidal piano diacera, do you live in Recife?
I will drive with audiopax maggiore.