Tight Bass

I'm tired of hearing this term as it does not exist outside of the audiophiles world. Where does this term come from? Bass is not tight. It is loose, warm, enveloping, harmonically rich. What I hear from solid state amps and ported speakers is an extended low frequency without the definition and body that tubes and a good sealed box or transmission line speaker serves up. I equate tight bass with consticted bass and perhaps that is a question of semantics as I feel the bass should be full and round but not out of control, perhaps if those that use the term "tight bass" are actually trying to describe what I would term a "rich/ripe bass". I would like to hear some discussion on "tight bass", "rich/ripe bass" same or different terminology.
You bring up a very good point. If you ever have had the chance to attend a live performance of R. Strauss's "Also sprach Zarathustra", you will indeed notice in the opening bars of this tremendous work, how the deep bass of the organ and the huge double bass section of the orchestra open and unfold and come at you in one huge wave of harmonically rich sound....there is indeed no "tightness" in that experience. Quite to the contrary, as you so rightly say. Also listening to bass lines in a live jazz performance, the only "tight" sound may be the slap of the strings bouncing on the neck of the instrument, but not the sound as it unfolds from the belly of the instrument itself, which can be tought, that is cut short in its unfolding, but never "tight". "Tight" is not something, which you have in the live music experience, neither in the bass, nor anywhere else in fact. Its sort of against the laws of physics. If we describe the bass in our rigs as tight however, I think we use it as a synonym for "well controlled", with a fast and controlled beginning of a note and natural decay to its ending, close in its timing, its musicality and its inner rythmic qualities to the real thing. Just my 2cents. Interesting post!! Cheerio
Hear, hear, Detlof. To "well controlled" I would add, "...and sustained throughout the duration of the passage/piece of music...". All too often, amps either run out of juice, or otherwise fall short of giving us the full dimension of lower register without "plagiarising". Examples are cellos + organ / acoustic double base + electric base in jazz ensembles, or even an unique electric base that is playing front-line rather than support to the other instruments.

Yes, the bass should be warm and enveloping -- if such was the musician's intention. Usually, however, I find that base players work many nuances into their playing (striking notes, chords, soft, bold... in quick succession). IMO, we would all like to perceive these differences during playback. If we don't, it's "muddy".
When bass envelops me in my system, it's usually the result of 1st & 2nd harmonics being captured in the recording and reproduced in my room (finally!!) -- or booming.
In order to keep my system's sound balanced, hi-to-low register, I used to compromise in the lower bass (c. 80Hz), in order to hear a controlled version of what bass there was -- even if it meant losing out on harmonics...

Anyway, my long answer to a brief & to the point question. Thanks, all, for your patience.
The semantics of audiophilia (is that a word?) is rife with "borrowed" words like "air". Air really doesn't have a sound, except during our Florida hurricanes. Most 'philes know what these words mean in the context of this hobby but it can lead to misinterpretation. When I refer to a component as "open and airy" sounding, I know what I mean but it may have a different meaning to you.