Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?

I recently purchased Rotel Integrated amp and B&W 703's to pair with my broken-in Rotel 1072 DC player. I've only had the system for 2 weeks, but I can't notice any improvent, The broken-in system sounded very good in the store but at home it sounds cold, dry, sterile, with harsh highs. I find the more I listen, the less I want to listen, which only slows doen the breaking-in process. Are there any audiogoners who've had experience with taming overly trebly B&W's?
First of all, let the speakers break in. I suggest about 500 hours of playing on moderate volume. Your amp will break in as well during this time. Second, are your speakers bi-wired? If not, B&Ws may sound offensive through upper mids when run with a single run speaker cable, resulting in listening fatigue. Another point to mention - the cables on the cd player. try different interconnects and the Audience powerChord, which is a great match for digital components.
There are some good ideas on this thread, but I wouldn't be too fast on replacing the B&Ws and going with Tubes. The advantages of good SS are well established and Rotel makes a pretty good Amplifier. I would try a Hybrid (SS/Tubes) Digital Source Component from say Musical Fidelity or Cary Audio, I'd recommend buying one used, trying it for a bit and then if your not happy, sell it.
I would start @ the Source, it may solve your problem and you can stop there.

BTW: B&W sold more Speakers worldwide last year than all of their competitors combined, more R&D money was spent in developing the "Diamond Tweeter" than most High-End Speaker Companies spend developing an entire line. There must be more than a few nice sounding systems out there that utilize B&W Speakers, just a guess...
I still say you may want to give the Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers a shot. You can return them if they don't work. If you decide that you want to improve your digital front end, then perhaps it would be reasonable to consider a high end dac.
I'd sell the whole rig and buy a Ping Pong table. Pocket the cash and adopt a hobby the whole family, and your friends will enjoy.