Tired of same ol' CD'd...

Looking for some new music (don't listen rock) preferably World music, like genuine Celtic, Irish...Spanish, Middle eastern..whatever interesting...I will print, the suggestions out, and go shopping! Thanks!
Here are some great oddball CD's. Paul Winter and Friends "Celtic Solstice", 1999 Earth Music Productions, is recorded at St. Johns Cathedral NY with bagpipes and everything. "Kepa Junkera Bilbao" is available at Alula.com and is a double CD of Basque music and is a killer. Also Dudley Moore "Songs Without Words", don't knock it if you have not heard it - Moore is first rate on these instrumentals and is a classicaly trained pianist if you are not familiar with his musical talents - popular songs and very moving. These are all well recorded and engineered by the way.
When I'm in a music rut I go to Echoes.org. It is a radio show on NPR that has tons of new music. Since we don't have this program on NPR in the cultural-ridden Tampa Bay I use their website. Just about everything nentioned on these type threads is featured on ECHOES. I used to listen to this program format on WXPN in Phila. 20 years ago. and it is still going strong. Anyone else remember this?
I listen to Echoes on WFUV. The best radio station I know. Fordham University in the Bronx. Listening sponsered, public radio, with no commercials. They having streaming audio at WFUV.ORG Go to the web sight and click on LISTEN NOW. Great music Mon. through Fri. Weekend is ethnic (Celtic,Polkas ect.) and international news. Even a Greatful Dead hour Fri. at 11pm, with rare and great stuff. They have been doing this for years. Great live studio music and interviews with top artists. Music you won't hear on commercial radio. Sometimes you even get an hour paid for by Steve Martin.