Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??

There is no way I will get to demo all or any of these carts. My choices are limited to these carts as I can get a decent trade in for my Lyra Skala. The cart will be mounted on a Triplanar, the TT is a Michell Orbe and phono stage is a Nagra VPS. There is no earthly reason to contemplate an upgrade except.....??
Am extremely happy with the Lyra Skala. Listen to all musical genres from rock, blues, classical,jazz and Indian though the latter is not critical for the choice of cart given IMHO the somewhat limited dynamic range of most Indian music.
Would appreciate views/advice of A'goners who have experience of some or all of these carts.
Many thanks in advance.
Sunnyboy1956, I've used the Lyra, Transfiguration and the Air Tight, all in the Triplanar. All are great cartridges; I found myself preferring the Orpheus. It seems that it has a little more body...
Dear Sunnyboy1956: IMHO your Skala is almost there, for the price of those cartridges IMHO too I don't think you can't justified a real improvement.

If I was you the " road " I take is to change the Triplanar for a SME IV/V that IMHO is better match for the Skala in this way you can have an improvement for less money.

Now, if you really want to change your cartridge my opinion is that you could go with the XV-1s alternative.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Why the SME? Is this because it may have some under-damped, flubby bass which may have some "synergy" with a leaner sounding Skala? I'm starting to wonder how much arm/cartridge matching is really just compensating one wekaness with another...ie.e, sonic synergy.

I suggest picking a neutral cartridge with a neutral arm.

Are you able to use the tube only gain in your Nagra VPS with your Skala? or in your system, do you need the extra gain the Nagra can offer with the solid state section?

Reason being, is the tube only sound is a little sweeter/more life like. So the Air Tight has a slightly higher output.
Well, since Raul brought up the (Dynavector) XV-1S, I will state that an acquintance has two nearly identical Basis 2500 turntables (with Vector tone arms), and we installed a Dynavector XV-1S on one turntable, and a Transfiguration Orpheus on the other turntable. We both much preferred the XV-1S.

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search.