To Play, or Not to Play?

Im just curious about how many of you Audiogoner's actually open, and spin those rare, expensive audiophile LPs after dropping, Oh I dunno...$100 bucks and up once you've finally found one sealed?
I would smoke them all, but I made the mistake of raising another generation. And I want the thrill of opening a sealed one to be enjoyed. Besides its only 5%, and most I have another on hand. I guess I am hearing that we are the last.
Oh, I have a few duplicates that are sealed, and I'm hanging on to those for similar reasons, Aceto. I think what some object to, or at least find difference in philosphy with, are those who keep them as "trophy" finds - as in "look what I've got" with it never being heard. To each anyone's own, though.
4yanx, I agree. Trophies do nothing. I am reminded of my favorite hotel in Florence. It is cheap, comfortable and has good air conditioning for summer. Also it is walking distance to my favorite vinyl shops. But the proprietor there has a wine collection he keeps in a display rack on the bar, for all to gawk at. And there are truly great Barolos, etc. But the dang thing sets in the sun for two hours each afternoon. When I pointed out that he has cooked his wine, he told me he would never open them, they are too valuable...