Tom Tutay Transition Audio Design Preamp

Just looking for some info and thoughts from owners or people that may have heard his preamp.
I still have my amps.  I had to do a bit of tweaking to get what can be had from the amps.  Tom has a good design, but he is very cost conservative in some critical areas I feel he should not be.   In particular I changed the caps on the signal input from some crap to VCaps and Jupiter Copper Foil Beeswax.  I also change the signal cable to higher quality and moved it out of the amp so it was not affected by all the noise in the amp.  I also changed the power inlet, RCA inlet and speaker jacks.  The change was incredibly significant.  Incredibly.  These amps are pretty stunning.  They don't have the balls and kick my CJ had, but they are much more accurate and tonally balanced.  Very pleasant to listen too.   
I hope Tom made it ok from the hurricane.  I think he lives on the western panhandle of Florida.