Top of the line?

Are the SST Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition still considered top of the line components? There seems to be deep discounts available now.
Thanks for your help and input 
First thing Monday I would call EJ or one of the techs at W4S (they own SST) and see if they can help identify the problem.  Since the Ampzilla's have an input sensitivity of only 1 volt and your speakers are over 90 db volume is one thing you shouldn't have a problem with. I would think tube noise with the Aric would be more of a problem.
I didn't anticipate any problems, I put an Aric Audio pre into the system and it can't nearly go loud enough. My system consists of:
Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition amps 
Pass Labs XP 10 preamp
Cyrus Audio CDi disc player 
Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers 
Thank you for your time and input 
@alman63  Sorry to hear that. Perhaps @almarg can comment on your system synergy / pairings as only he can. : )

Other than the power supply, anything else that may be a factor from your perspective.

FYI, I paired a SST Son of Ampzilla Mk 2 with a Pass XP-20 without issue.
So far I am underwhelmed. Maybe I need a power supply or something. Also I have to turn the gain way up on my preamp. A Pass Labs XP 10 
Congrats always fun to get new equipment.
Hopefully you'll tell us what you think of them once thet are off and running.
Congratulations, @alman63  I think you will be very pleased with the amp's performance. 
Thank you for your thoughts I bid on a pair on here and got them. Wasn't really expecting the offer to be accepted 
From what I have seen not a ton of people have actually sat in front of these amps. A lot of assumptions of what might be better or not. Of course, I'm not a whole lot better.  I have heard these and was sooo impressed. A rich character, smooth yet real detail, great soundstage and imaging and bass that was realistic that could drive deep.  The reason that I'm not a lot of help is that I've not sat in front of a ton of other multi buck amps to give a fair comparison.  I hope you find some folks who have done some comparisons.