Transitioning: back to solid state....

Quandaries and time consuming frustrations...

This is a derivative of one of those tube vs. solid state amps. And, good god, I never thought I'd start one of these types of threads.

I've started some pretty stupid threads on audiogon, but this one might take the cake.

Anyways, after clicking my virtual system link, you are well aware that the centerpiece of my system is the not-so-reviewed and not-so-popular, the lowest of the low of all ARC amps, the CA50 integrated amp.

It is my first tube component, and I am in the process of replacing it. Tubes are simply a hassle for me, and, being too ignorant to know how to bias tube amps, I'd rather get a solid state. This way, I won't have to worry about purchasing megabuck NOS tubes or having to replace worned out tubes. Oh, and I'd love to leave the amp on ALL da time.

I've collected quite a lot of data in my cerebral databank about the solid state amps capable of replacing tube ones and are under $2000 used. The hit list includes Pass Alephs 3 or 5, 47 Labs' Gaincard, Bel Canto Evo 200.2, and Spectron's Troubador.

One observation I made when doing my research, besides the Spectron, Pass, 47 Lab and Bel Canto has received tons of reviews from professionals and amateurs alike with a one standard deviation of the population favoring each of these (That is about 95%). A great deal of these reviewers, including the professional ones, even tout these solid state amps as comparable or better than megabucks solid state amps and capable or residing comfortably in a tube lover's system as well.

With all this in mind, I've made the assumption/fallacy that I can replace my modest lowest end ARC amp with one of the fabulous solid state amps with improved sonic quality and ergonomics as well.

Assumptions, hypothesis, fallacies, whatever, they need to be tested, and, today, I did just that. I plopped down hard earned college tuition on one of the solid state amps that is mentioned.

What do you think is the result?
Sorry Viggen, I guess I wouldn't mind the lowest of the low in the Porsche line up. The lowest ARC(which I am not sure is true or even matters)is still high performance stuff.

John! is right about the Svetlana 6550c and "just say no to NOS". Svetlanas sound great in ARC VT serie stuff. The Electro harmonics 6550's are great tubes too but I wouldn't go that way in other than the new VS series amps. A friend tried them in his VT and they sounded horrid. He talked to ARC and they told him they got the same bad result when they tried them in a VT 100.
Hi again,

Thanks for all your responses so far. Sorry to draw you all in with me into my frustration.

There is one other reason that I didn't include to why I want to go back to solid state. Well, I move around in my apartment a lot. And, I sometimes forget to turn my amp off when I end up in another room. I thought if I had a solid state again, this would allow me not to keep a close eye on the tubes and eliminates the need to replace them. Furthermore, and this is being very nit picky, I hate waiting for the tubes to warm up.

Of course, I am very happy with the sound coming from the CA50, but I am looking for a best of both worlds scenario here.

And I've just struck a deal with a fine gentleman from Audiogon on another amp that I've listed in the beginning of this thread. Should get it in a few days.

Also, the solid state amp I recently purchased is used, but it probably hasn't been used in a few months. So I am, not exactly burning it in but warming it back up. Sorry for the confusion.

If this solid state doesn't work, then I might just stick with the CA50 or look into some autobiasing amps as some of you suggested.
Do you have Daddys' money or what? when I was going to school...I was lucky to have a boom-box...let alone comtemplating tubes vs. solid state advice...dont worry about it...have fun at school...dont take this stuff too serious until you land a well-paying,albeit mundane job,and have hours to dedicate to this site like the rest of us...good luck with your studies...
Man, that sounds like exactly something my mom says. But she ain't paying my bills and neither are you. Let not have bouts of senior moments and digress.
This would open up a whole other can of worms for you, but here goes: One other thing you may want to try before you sell your CA50 is to put a good pre-amp between it and your source (you said you were using it direct). Even though many players have either digital or analogue volume controls, some are just not as good as others and you may be experiencing some degradation in that link (especially if it is a digital volume control - I don't know much about the Meridian DAC in your system). Yet another consideration would be to consider sending your ARC to Steve Huntley (formerly with ARC and Wadia) over at Great Northern Sound. He does extensive upgrading to ARC gear which I can personally reccomend. I had him do his standard upgrade on my ARC LS2B and it was worth every penny! He also works on Wadia and other makes as well. Their URL is I guess you can tell, I'm just too big a fan of tube sound to give up on the idea of letting go of a good thing (though I can't say I've heard the CA50 I somehow doubt is is any slouch). It seems to me you have to pay a significant amount more $ in SS to try to achieve a similar sound. If you leave your amp on occasionally and shorten the tube life you'd be putting some of those $ towards that habbit...but you'd have that wonderful holographic tube sound, and no regrets! If you think about it the average power tube lasts around 5-10K hours depending on how hard you drive them. If you left your amp on every day for 12 hours a day that's a minimum of 416 days of life. That's over a year before you have to replace your tubes given your habit of leaving your amp on. Needless to say, I determined that small investment was worth it to me, and my amps at work stay on most of the day all day. I just hate to see you give up on tubes so easily!