Treble of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand?

Id love to purchase these speakers, but I have heard that
the top end is a bit soft and not very dynamic. Any folks
here own these speakers and have thoughts?
Thanks Guidecorna....
The gear I have that I will use is a new NAD C352 integ
amp and the Music Hall CD-25.2 and DH Labs cables with
Skylan 28" stands.
Will this gear make the VA's come alive??
Campton, I Googled the NAD C352. Found a link showwing the following:

Damping factor (ref 8 ohms 50 Hz), >150

This is probably adequate for the Haydn Grands. However, I would also recommend you discuss synergy with a knowledgeable dealer for Vienna, such as Soundings of Denver (Co). Their phone number is: 303-759-5505.
There's always room for improvement, but your rig should work nicely with the VAs, IMHO. Remember, toe them in so that you just see a sliver of the inside sides from you listening position and rake them back about 10-degrees.

Unless you room is really large, you'll have enough power and control of the drivers. In a larger room I'd like to see 200+ watts continuous into 4 ohms. Ignore that "dynamic power" crap that NAD spouts. However, you're in good shape in most rooms.

yes, but with the VA's have an open and airy top?
The 3 reviews ive reading claim this is their shortcoming.
They say the top is too soft and laid real detail.
Campton, unless you listen to them yourself, you will never know if the Hydns are for you. It is worth pointing out that what for some people is an 'airy top' is for someone else a hissy earbleeder, which Vienna speakers are typically not.