Treble of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand?

Id love to purchase these speakers, but I have heard that
the top end is a bit soft and not very dynamic. Any folks
here own these speakers and have thoughts?
I read stereomojo's review and appreciate his take on the speakers. This forum is not a witch hunt to try and prove that ones opinion is better than another but rather a place to share ideas. Kudos to stereomojo for stating his opinion and not being afraid to publish it and share it with others. I am a happy owner of VA Baby Beethoven's and did not get my feelings hurt by stereomojo. DCStep I agree with raking the speaker back 10% - 15% it made a big difference on my system
Stereomojo said:
"I then set them up in Room B or the small room, well away from the back and spies walls and in an equilateral triangle position with the listener. 20” stands were used to prop them up."

That's pathetic. Almost any speaker will sound like shit if set up like that. You have no idea what you're doing. You need to place the speaker in the room so that the interaction with the room and between the speakers balances the bass and midrange performance. The highs are dealt with with rake angle. You also need a stand that'll get the tweeter up around 40" high.

Anyone considering these speakers should buy them through an independent Sumiko dealer and avail themselves of the Sumiko Master Set to properly place the speakers. BB is only an option if you know how to set them yourself. Don't look to Stereomojo for guidance...

Beerad, congrats on thinking for yourself and working to make the speakers work. I love my Beethoven Baby Grands.

"I then set them up in Room B or the small room, well away from the back and spies walls and in an equilateral triangle position with the listener. 20” stands were used to prop them up."

Fasinating really. . . sounds like it must have taken at most 2 minutes to set up the speakers. . . and the beauty is that with this advanced visual methodology of placing them exactly "well away" from the walls, you do not even have to bother listening to the speakers for position optimization. G.