TRL Sony 2000es or RAM Toshiba 3960

These two highly achieving players are similiarly priced with mods.
How do they compare?
Is one better?
I've read great things about them both.
If I like a detailed, fast, open, neutral, transparent sound, which one is for me?
Or maybe I'll get a Benchmark DAC 1!
Thanks for any comments or experiences.
Paul and Brian at TRL have an amazing ear and I think it is due to their live field recording and audio engineering work.
Yes, they are evaluating different units and are very impressed with Marantz units as platforms if one wishes to spend a bit more than the Sony units they have been doing.
I am trying to sort out which one to try next.
I'm quite curious about how the TRL 3960 will turn out... I had been in touch with Paul re the 2000ES but I'd prefer to mod a unit that plays DVD as well. That said, I'm not too confident about the durability of the 3960.
The SA11 is more than just "a bit more" than the Sony. And I can't imagine that the two, after mods- would sound anything alike.

Yes, it is quite a bit more. Could become their reference unit to mod at this point.


They really like the overall sound of the 3960.
It gives up some things in bass to the 595/2000, if I recall Paul's comments-but has turned out very nice.

Thanks for the input re the 3960.

Any idea if TRL has modded the Marantz 8400 universal player. What would be really useful is if they published comments on the various modded players on their website, or at least a list of the players they have modded.