Trying to get in to vinyl, turntable suggestions?

Hello All,

After hearing some great analog setups I've got the itch. My Integra dtc 9.8 does have a phono input, but I plan to get a phono stage down the road, that I could connect to my Anthem Pre 2l SE.

In the meantime, any suggestions to get me started...I'm looking for a good turntable that could benefit down the road from upgrades as I get more money.

I'm hoping to spend less than 500 for the TT, and then willing to purchase a cartridge seperately if I have to.

I've read good things about thorens and the nad 533. What about the technics sl-1200? I'm looking to buy used for now.

I listen to a lot of Dave Matthews Band, Pink Floyd, some Paul Simon..Jack Johnson..

Any thoughts?
I've linked my system below hopefully did it right..
If you are considering the Technics, take a look here:

Go to the link for the "Master 1200 Page" (at the bottom of the left column on the home page)
With all due respect to the fans of Technics, I personally would argue that there is a reason they are known as "DJ" tables. For the money you are talking about, I would suggest buying a new Rega P1 or P2. You will get much better soundstaging and imaging, if these are important to you, as well as better resolution of instrumental and vocal timbres. It all depends on what your sonic priorities are. Another decent entry-level table would be a Music Hall 2.1. You also might be able to find a used Nottingham Horizon in that price range, and I have seen the SOTA entry level table near that price used as well. All of these would be quite a bit better than the Technics, IMO, unless you really are after that homogenized DJ sound. :D OK, I need to go to bed, I'm gettin' cranky.
amazon has(technics 1200 Mk2) brand new for $354 plus free super shipping.You can't beat that
Many of the entry level audiophile turntables are constructed of... not much. MDF is a popular component and glued on motors are not unheard of. Many are very fussy to adjust properly when adustments are offered at all. Some have issues with speed control and/or speed changes (33>45). Make sure you know what you're getting into when you plunk down your cash.
i would think pretty hard about adding a turntable. if you already have a collection, it would make sense...if you're starting from 'record one', it may not.