Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto

i'm considering switching to a tube amp to drive my GMA Callisto speakers and hoping to get recommendations from folks that have done so. What tube amps would pair well with the callistos?

The speakers have the following specs:
Impedance: 4.8 Ohms, +/- 0.75 Ohms from 100Hz to 20kHz
Sensitivity: 90dB

What would be the minimum power i can get by with? i don't listen at ear bleeding levels... maybe 80 db 12 feet from the speakers.

thanks in advance for any suggestions!

I've had three different pairs of GMA speakers including the Continuum 3. Six Pacs were great amps on them but an 845 SET was even better.

(The Pacs are the best push-pull amps I've heard; triode operation with 0 NFB is a great way to do P-P!)
triode operation with 0 NFB is a great way to do P-P!
Paulfolbrecht (Reviews | Threads | Answers)

Agreed. My VAC Phi 110/110 sounded superb in this mode.
I would have expected this as well, but tried an Carissa Signature 845 amp with my GMA Eos HDs,and didn't like the synergy at all. I had fantastic success, on the other hand, with a VAC Avatar Super, as well as Eico HF-81. Both velvety full and lush. The Carissa Sig was thin and hard by comparison.