Tube Amp for Martin Logan SL3 3

I have a friend who would like to drive his SL 3's with a Tube amp.Are these speakers tube amp friendly.Any suggestions in the 2k range.
there are plenty of amps that will work fine. I have CLS I's (the hardest to drive of any logan?) and also Aerius Is. Have driven both with no probs off a CA200 Classe (2x200), Conrad Johnson Premier 5 monoblocks (2x200 el34 tubes) and off my 47 lab gaincard(!) - 2x25watts. In some ways the gaincard was best, even though the lowest nominally rated power. Dont' beleive all the stories about how hard these are to drive... they aren't quite as bad as legend would have it.

The combination of tubes on top and ss on the bottom certainly have loads of potential if the $2K price point can be stretched. Works with my CLS1's/Kinergetics SW800 set up.

I second Ed's opinion regarding the "stories" about how difficult these are to drive. In my experience tube amps have been far more capable and at ease in dealing with the impedance swings.
May also want to consider the Rogue M-120s. Great sound for the $$. Sell used for under $2000 on Audiogon. Can call manufacturer for details with ML.
What about the Baron Mesa? local dealer has one and i am intrigued as to its sound with cls iiz
I've been using a Baron for the last six months with my CLS1's -- I particularly like it's adjustability (i.e. tube options are 5881/6L6's, EL34's, KT90's, KT99's), four settings for negative feedback, tube adjustments). I initially adjusted the tubes (various combinations of pentode/triode) for source material but also liked the flexibilty when playing with IC's. I've got things pretty much "dialed in" right now so I've settled on two-thirds triode and zero negative feedback. With the right associated equipment this is a very nice real world amp, especially for the money. I listened to other amps with more finesse, but at the time I was running the CLS's by themselves and the ability to adjust and zero in on the best sound won out. Now that I've added the Kinergetics SW800 subs run by a separate amp, I might consider other tube amps to run the panels. (Adding the Kinergetics brings CLS performance up to a completely new standard. Just amazing.)

I have had feedback from another member, however, who had problems with the Baron driving CLS II's. I don't know whether they were z's or not, which I think would make a difference. I think it's definitely worth a listen since your dealer is local -- maybe a demo in your system. The tri-tube upgrade is a big plus. If you pull the bottom panel you will see a note as to whether the upgrade has been performed. Good luck.