TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???

I'm looking for input from tube amp lovers that have switched from tube to solid state amplifiers and not looked back.

What tube amp did you move on from?

What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?

The OP didn't specify if his question was restricted to those switching from a tubed power amp, preamp or both. I previously owned a tube preamp which I ran with a ss power amp as I do like a little tube magic. The amp which struck the right balance for me between tube and ss virtues is my current amp; a Vitus SIA-025. Vitus class A amps sound quite unique as they are so pure and mellifluous, yet at the same time controlled and resolving. I have a sensitive ear, and Vitus is one of the few amps I can listen to for hours without fatigue.
Grannyring brought up an important point about differences in wire affecting
SS and Tube sound. No harm, no foul. A question was asked and
answered appropriately by Grannyring.

Do yourself a favor, buy this combo of wire. I bet you'll be selling your high
priced speaker/interconnect just as I did. You should read the Day Blog
thoroughly whether a SS or Tubegroover as I am.

Shirokazu Yazaki-san, the designer of a SS integrated (SPEC), reviewed
by Day at Positive Feedback is the gentleman who let everyone know
about this wire combination through Day's blog. Yazaki-san is also a major
300B Maven in Japan, both as designer and builder; he has a unique point
of view that just might get you closer to "real sound."

Grannyring, please start that other thread. Best all, Rob

Best, Rob