Tube amps and speaker ohms

In your opinion , do push pull amps work better with 8 ohms or 4 ohms. .I am under the impression the lower the ohms, the more power is demanded from the amp....Another question, are there low powered SET amps ,and high power SET amps?
I'm looking at a 40 watt 845 tube amp for my 8 ohm, 89 db speaker.. just cked the Thor has a 86 db W18 midwoofers(2 per cabinet) and a 88 db tweeter. Will an 845 amp rated 40 watts be able to drive the 86/88 db speaker? With authority, bass, mids, highs, in dynamic sound stage? Synergy? Or poor match?
Ha! Bartokfan, Duke WISHES he built those SoundLab panels! Nope, that's the work of a much much more advanced designer and manufacturing team than yours truly.

Tvad has described what I do well enough that there's no need to elaborate.


Ok, here goes.

+++ Paul then you have a SET amp correct? +++

Currently I have only one SET, and that is a 6C33 based one.

+++ Would that be similiar to the 300 tube? +++

No, a tube has little to do with whether an amp is single ended or push pull. The 6C33 is very different to the 300B tube, although both are triodes.

+++ Yes. I heard the 300 tube with orch, the load/complexity was overwhelming. Total shut down of the tube. +++

Nothing to do with the tube. You made a bad choice with speakers. In other words, not the tube doing anything wrong, just you not knowing how to use the the tube amp.

+++A CJ mono block as well shut down on a ML panel with orch. So obviously orch overload is not limited to SET but can affect just about any tube amp, +++

Yes orch can overload any amp. In the same way I can drive any car into any tree, whether the car is a SUV, truck or coupe. No car made in the US today can drive through trees, so when you try to do that, the car will break. However, it is not the vehicles fault for driving into a tree, it is the driver that cannot operate the vehicle correctly.

If you drive the vehicle on the road, it will operate as designed.

+++ which in Push/pull config may have to do with the weakness in the trans. +++


+++ In SET's the weakness in "pulling off" orch may have to do with the characteristic of the 300/845/805 tube family +++

No. I have never ever heard this weakness you talk about. My 300B SET amps aced orchestra. I can induce any of my amps to fail in the manner you describe by seeking out speakers that will cause that.

I could also seek out trees to drive into when I drive, but as I rule I prefer not to.

Your last post was one of the most helpful & educational from a practical standpoint the I've read in a long while.

Bartokfan, it might take a long while(i.e. months, not a few minutes w/Google) to fully appreciate how well Pauly broke it down. Yes, it's true that there are many types of tubes, tube amps, etc. Each of them will react to cabling, speaker matching, room matching etc. You just can't conclude too much from a small bit of exposure at a show, in a dealer's showroom, etc.
My best advice for you is to seek out a local audio club, and spend much time listening to others' rigs in their homes. Slowly but surely, you will learn which element of various designs are to your liking(e.g. SET vs. OTL vs push/pull). Cheers,
Duke, apologies for that crass comment on what you actually do, which is build a fine speaker. Please excuse my lack of discretion. Paul its true I only have limited exposure to different tube amps, so will reconsider the SET's and other tubes on orch music. This is an issue with audiophilies, we can read about certain fantastic tube amps, but almost no opportunity to audition them.
>>which is build a fine speaker<<

He very well might but you've never heard them. Your opinion is irrelevant.

>>Paul its true I only have limited exposure to different tube amps<<

You have limited exposure to almost all audio components. Listening, not reading, is the key.

>>will reconsider the SET's and other tubes on orch music<<

It's not the tube or the amp; it's the speaker/amplifier combination whether you listen to Bach or Iron Maiden.

>>we can read about certain fantastic tube amps, but almost no opportunity to audition them.<<

Back to my second point. There are plenty of opportunities to audition. You have to get off of your a** and join an audio club, attend a show, or drive a couple hours. Don't say "we" when in fact it is "I" you are speaking about.