Tube cdp with ss units...

...thinking about getting a tube cd player that will be run with my ss pre-pro/amp which I use for both audio and ht. I have latest NHT classics and can be a little edgy/cool depending on audio material. I really like the sound but want a smoother/warmer midbass up. Thanks for advise.
Try a Sonic Frontier tube dac. I have the SFD MkII, with the right tubes, you can be in heaven. I replace my ARC CD2 with the SFD MkII and never looked back.
I’d argue that your source should provide an accurate and reliable representation of the information on the disc -- at least that's my opinion. Some tube CD players, such as the Jolida JD100, use solid state op-amps for the analog output sections, then they add a couple of tubes as a "buffer" stage, in effect using tubes as a tone control.

That said, CD players do sound different (duh!), and some are warmer than others. On the warm and musical side are the new Naim CD5i-2 (the new version, not the original CD5i, which is sharper and brighter), the Rega Apollo or Saturn, and, less expensively, various Arcam models such as the CD73T (full disclosure—I have an Arcam for sale on Audiogon).
The JD-100 does not use opamps.

It is very responsive to tube rolling and could, indeed, offset an "edgy" system to some degree.
I have Audio Note DAC 2 Signature (E88CC tubes), used with Cambridge Audio 640v2 ss amp...into BRSE speakers.
I think this combo is excellent.Tubes in DAC have added warmth,naturalness and a sense of liquidity (but not too much!).Tube rolling changes MUCH, and also TWEAKING does.
Different stuff under speakers give out totally different results.
I would wholeheartadly recommend having at least something tubed in a system (CDP is a good option).
Based on my experience,at least.
Thanks for the insight folks..Some mentioned components are out of reach for me but the Jolida would be obtainable after a little saving. What about Rega...a more laid back but still all there player as described by some pro reviews? Thanks again.