Tube Friendly Speakers - Down to 30Hz - $3000?

I'm looking for speaker recommendations that play down to 30Hz. Able to be fully driven without compromise by tube amplification with as little as 15wpc.

$3000 new or used.

16x19 room. Rock, jazz and classical.

Reasonably small footprint (Klipsch K-Horns and LaScalas are too large).

I have eliminated Zu Druid and Tones from contention. All other options are open.

Thanks in advance.

Warren is asking the same question I tried to pose to you over the weekend, but Agon being in true form, lost the post and won't respond to my emails.

Good luck in your quest. But remember, the VR4s won't be replaced cheaply.

BTW, I would recommend you listen to some Montanas. I have the SPXs and I think they are an all around better performer than anything in the VS line up to the DB99s. I think they sound far better than the Sr.s. The price is only 5500.00 for a new pair, but there just happens to be a used pair on the 'Gon right now. Worth looking into.

Hi Ozzy62, the Montana SPX are 91db/ 6 ohms nominal...pretty close to the VR4 GenIII HSE (89db/ 6 ohms nominal).

If I change loudspeakers, it will be to something with a minimum nominal impedance of 8 ohms, or one with a very flat impedance curve.

Do you know the minimum impedance of the Montana SPX? The PBN website does not specify.
I'm not sure what the minimum value is. But I do know that of the two models of Montana speakers I have owned, both have sounded much better off the 8 ohm tap. The SPXs are actually a little more tube friendly than the SP2s were. But I haven't tried them with anything less than 100 watts of push-pull tube power.


Have you listened to Tannoy dual-concentrics? These are large speakers with the specs you are seeking. New they're quite expensive but used pairs are often availabble. I own a pair on Turnberry HE's.

Jim, I have not heard them, however I have read great thing about the Churchills. I do think they are probably too large for my 16x19 living room.