Tube Friendly Speakers - Down to 30Hz - $3000?

I'm looking for speaker recommendations that play down to 30Hz. Able to be fully driven without compromise by tube amplification with as little as 15wpc.

$3000 new or used.

16x19 room. Rock, jazz and classical.

Reasonably small footprint (Klipsch K-Horns and LaScalas are too large).

I have eliminated Zu Druid and Tones from contention. All other options are open.

Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what the minimum value is. But I do know that of the two models of Montana speakers I have owned, both have sounded much better off the 8 ohm tap. The SPXs are actually a little more tube friendly than the SP2s were. But I haven't tried them with anything less than 100 watts of push-pull tube power.


Have you listened to Tannoy dual-concentrics? These are large speakers with the specs you are seeking. New they're quite expensive but used pairs are often availabble. I own a pair on Turnberry HE's.

Jim, I have not heard them, however I have read great thing about the Churchills. I do think they are probably too large for my 16x19 living room.
The answer is simple. But the Cain & Cain Abby's and the Bailey subwoofer. This system will honestly sound better than many/most 10$ speakers, 15watts is plenty, soundstage is huge, more resolution and warmth than the Druids, much better tonal quality's then Coincident plus tighter and easier to manage bass. I much prefer this sound to the Merlin VSM's. If you look on the virtual systems you will see a number of Abby's.
While the Abby/Bailey combo is very good, I don't think it would be the best replacement option for his Von Schweikerts. Just my opinion, based upon having heard the Abby/Bailey combo, as well as TVAD's speakers in his room.