Tube integrated amp under $1000

Getting close to taking a plunge on a small tube integrated amp preferably under $1000.  Open for suggestions.   Small size and WAF matters.   The two leading contenders I have actually heard are Glow Audio Amp 1 and Jolida fx10.  

Only knock I know of against either is Jolida runs hot and can shorten lifespan.   How has that turned out for owners?

Will  run 90db small monitors initially  and needs a headphone Jack as well.  Ability to drive lower impedance headphones like Sennheiser Momentum without noise or hum desired. 

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Mik I'm considering the Musical Paradise and had read that.   Have never heard it though.   I wonder if it would have hum with 18 ohm Sennheiser Momentum phones?

bb I heard GLow at Capital Audiofest a few years back and the system it was in was one of the best I thought.   

This is for  a third system that would not be played too loud so I'm thinking I can get by.    Currently using a vintage 15 watt SS Yamaha receiver there with very good results 
I don't know about phones with it, but does sound problematic, otherwise a stellar performer. Best, Ron

I don't know about phones with it, but does sound problematic, otherwise a stellar performer. Best, Rob

Decware also comes to mind.  LM audio has a little EL84, but I believe it's generally used as a headphone amp.  I had an LM 211IA, actually an EL 34 based amp. I believe mine sold for a tad over $1K.

Decware might be a bit low powered for 90db speakers.  I run a Decware Mini Torii with 92db Ref 3A de Capos which are pretty tube friendly and could use a few more watts.

A used Primaluna PL2 would run under $900 but no head phone jack

Used Grommes PHI-26 run at 6 wpc would work has a headphone jack