Tube Integrateds...why not a preout for subs.....

Hello. I always wonder why tube integrated manufacturers do not provide a preout for the use of a sub. Truly, anyone that is using a tube may be 'purist' and not use a subwoofer. Truly, I would, but I am using a hybrid amp/preamp.

My problem is with trying to get my friends who say they can't spend much to get them into what they would love. I can't ask them in one swipe to spend more than $1500.00 for the amp section. It is simple wiring. And if you want to introduce someone....I am just saying. Any ideas?
There are tube amps that provide a preout, including the Cary Sli-80, but that one may be a little above the price range used. I'm sure there are others.

An alternative is to get a sub with speaker level inputs. There are lots of those, including some relatively inexpensive ones, and that's the recommended connection for some high-end sub manufacturers like REL and HSU. I have a small Mirage S8 that costs around $350 new and works very well with its speaker-level inputs.
Many tube integrated amps have sub out.
Manley Stingray has them, I believe most Jolidas do.
I guess the question is what tube amps have you looked at that don't?

A lot of good subs use a high level input that comes off the speaker binding posts, so maybe you don't need a dedicated sub output.