Tube Monoblocks for heavy music on Khorns

What tube monoblocks would drive Khorns the best for big bass/heavy metal music? I obviously can't go the SET route for the BEST sound. I was thinking about some BIG monoblocks to help the Khorns 15" driver REALLY move. My room is small. I could even experiment with adding a large sub like a Velodyne HGS18 in the future, too. However, price is an issue. Another interesting Idea, what horn speakers can really compete with Khorn for around the same money for reproduction of bass, Etc??
Tjnif, if I ran the Khorns with active low level crossovers and obviously without passive high level crossovers I could simply turn the level down on the squaker, EQ out some offending frequencies or both. Also, I could time allign the drivers all with just one digital conversion in all and usually with less phase consideration as opposed to using high level crossovers. Your thoughts????
Stimbo22, I've used active crossovers quite a bit. They are very tricky to say the least. For the most part though, at least so far anyway, I have seen better results using one amplifier to drive the speaker while using a passive crossover.

One thing you want to consider is that nearly all drivers have nuances, odd little peaks and dips in their response. The designer of the crossover, if he is worth his salt, will accommodate these variances. Unless the active crossover is specifically designed for that speaker, it will only provide general curves with no accommodation for actual driver behavior.

I suspect this is why the best systems I have heard have all had passive crossovers.
Stimbo22, It is my opinion that if one has an "idea" that they have they should pursue it. I am not a "tweaker".... I researched a tried and true products and incorporated them in my system & was astounded w/ the results! I have NO need to go any other route.
I think you should pursue "your" path. Check out the alk engineering site, good info
Atmasphere, I have the ability to change the phase, frequency, slope, delay, HP, LP, band-pass, gain levels of all circuits with my Minimac. Also, while incorporating these crossovers I can take microphone measurements to see how the driver rolls off naturally as well as take in-room measurement of each driver on it's own. I also have a 31 band EQ to EQ the entire system or what not to get a flat in-room response, if even just for a reference point and go from there. All from the listening position! This is all done in one digital to analog conversion from one source. I do understand what you are saying about the passives and can see your point. In the end, what sounds right is right and you never know until then. But there is a lot going on here in this particular active system that could be advantageous.
Good point Tjnif. Sometimes I do not enjoy constant tweaking and would rather just hear music. I will check out the site. Thx