Tube Monoblocks in the 5-7K Range

Looking at purchasing a new pair of tube monoblocks to drive a pair of 90 db hybrid electrostatics that I'm now purchasing and would love some recommendations. I've got my eyes on either the Carver Cherry 180's or the Primaluna DiaLogue Sevens, so if anyone has compared these two it would be appreciated, and I am open to other suggestions.

I listen to a variety of music, tending towards a lot of classical string music(20th Century British) and modern electro-acoustic stuff on my digital front end, but tend towards singer/songwriter, female jazz vocals and classic 70's rock on my TT. I am basically a midrange person, but am attracted to the PrimaLuna because of the ability to switch from triode to ultralinear on the fly.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts
Charles1Dad makes very good points. Related to that, maybe think about an amp that can use a number of different types of tubes. In particular KT120s are getting a lot of praise these days
Thanks for all the great responses, everyone. There seems like a lot of great choices in this price range and seems like you can't go too wrong with any of them, but I understand system synergy and output tube choices are really primary factors. I've been using a pair of the late Paul G's TAD 1000 for years now, but will be putting those up for sale and moving up a bit, even though those amps have served me well. Can't say I haven't been happy - just ready to move on now.
Hi Fjn04 - I just recently picked up a Mystere CA11 preamp. Leaving it with stock tubes until its broken in, but I'm enjoying it. Also just added a EE Minimax Phono Stage. So far, so good.