I am looking for a really unusual tube. In one of my previous posts I had a couple of audiogon members point out a few good sites and I was able to locate some for sale. My initial problem was not finding any, now I have too many to chose from.

The tube: 6CL8A/6CL8

Brands available: RCA, GE, Sylvania, Tung Sol..etc.. quite a few.

I know nothing about this other than I want the best one possible. I would like one that minimizes microphonics and that sounds like tube heaven, help me out. Thanks a million guys.
I am tired of being berated about this

Cry a little more why dont you.

The "dickhead attitude" is what I got when I asked a simple question for tube advice.

All the members that have replied ( including me ) have given you suggestions, advice, whatever you want to call it, and its almost as if you dont like the answers that you are getting ?

What one member might like in his system may not work or sound right in yours, as there are to many variable to look at ( room size, equipment being used , music type , and the list goes on and on ). But as I have said before, trial and error is sometimes needed before you find what you like and dislike .

It only makes sense to ask an expert, so you don't have to torture yourself and wallet.

So, what stopped you from doing that in the first place ?

Now that we understand how a forum works, we can continue the discussion.

Thank you for your permission.

Well Riley, because tube equipment is incredible and I like how it sounds. Is that okay with you?

I have had tube equipment in the past and yes it is nice, but finding the perfect tube is not easy and sometimes cost can be a factor. My question as to why you had tube equipment, was just that.....a question.

No I should just buy all the tubes in the world and not ask for advice

That choice is yours, but just as one of the other members suggested , is that you buy a set of tubes, listen to them for a while, make notes and see if you can "maybe" improve on that sound . Sometimes it can be done, but not always. Maybe then you have to look at other pieces of the audio chain for improvement ?

Thanks Again for your advice Riley804, I think you have contributed more then you should to this post

And when did you become a moderator on this site ?

According to my search, the 6cl8 is cheap enough to buy several brands and try them. If you don't have access to a reliable tube tester, I suggest you buy and take advise from a reputable seller (Jim McShane, Andy @ Vintage Tube services, and others). Buying tubes on the internet is otherwise a crapshoot, with bad tubes being sold as new, and good tubes also being had at reasonable prices. Fortunately for you, the 6cl8 is VERY affordable, so buying 2 different brands and assessing their sonic signatures over a month or two each (take notes), may be a good way to go. Clean the pins with some emory cloth before you plug them in. Happy Listening.
'Honestl'-the OP received three fair and reasonable responses to his query, and then immediately jumped on his soapbox to decry the 'type' of response he was getting. Granted, the first three answers did not direct him to an exact model, type or year, but they were legitimate, well intentioned, and perhaps all the advice that the respondents *could* give. But the OP chose to, basically, berate them.

So to answer your question-that's where and why he's getting "...all the attitude". I don't expect ass kissing, but a degree of respect towards people taking their time to help seems like a fair trade.

Riley804; Thanks again, you have really outdone yourself LOL. Yet, another unhelpful post. Why do you try so hard? I get it you don't want to help and you would like it if people didn't post in the forum and just bought all the equipment in the world and experimented without consulting anyone for advice and help.
To everyone else, thanks a million. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Please keep posting!