Tube Pre-Amp Upgrade Advice for Young Audiophile

Take a look at my system...under 'my system'. My modded AE-3 is AWESOME ...I love it! But I have the upgrade itch and at this point I feel is the weakest link in my system. What I am looking for is a little more transparency amoung other things. I DO NOT want to spend and arm and a leg on a new pre. Maybe $800 used. Due to my budget ..i have to buy used and prob cannot audition... hence I am VERY concerned with component synergy with My Super Amp DJH.

Many people reccomend older Audio Research Models but I have no Idea which ones are good. I am also seriously considering the Rogue Magnum 66...also Blue Circle (but i think the BC is out of my budget.
Over all I want to make sure I am actually making an
upgrade over my AE3! All of you advice in the past has been A1!! So HELLLPP! :)
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I would recommend a Conrad Johnson PV-10B tubed preamp. There are a couple on this site for sale.

You can't go wrong with a VTL 2.5. They come up used for around $750. There's none right now offered (only the phono stage), but grab one when it comes up -- they go fast!