Tube Pre-Amp Upgrade Advice for Young Audiophile

Take a look at my system...under 'my system'. My modded AE-3 is AWESOME ...I love it! But I have the upgrade itch and at this point I feel is the weakest link in my system. What I am looking for is a little more transparency amoung other things. I DO NOT want to spend and arm and a leg on a new pre. Maybe $800 used. Due to my budget ..i have to buy used and prob cannot audition... hence I am VERY concerned with component synergy with My Super Amp DJH.

Many people reccomend older Audio Research Models but I have no Idea which ones are good. I am also seriously considering the Rogue Magnum 66...also Blue Circle (but i think the BC is out of my budget.
Over all I want to make sure I am actually making an
upgrade over my AE3! All of you advice in the past has been A1!! So HELLLPP! :)
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I've got a VTL TL 2.5 that might even end up on the market soon -- fully tricked out with NOS Mullards even -- due to the fact that I upgraded to a Rogue 99 Magnum (sure hope it goes fast, if I ever decide to sell it...). What can I say, the Rogue is lots, no holds barred, better than the VTL (but, then, the 99 is also a bit more expensive than the 2.5). Not familiar with the 66, but definitely worth a look as Rogue, and the folks behind it, are top notch. When I got the VTL, the other one I was considering was the CJ mentioned above. If I remember correctly, the CJ was a little warmer and "tubier" than the VTL, but ended up with the VTL due to its expanded feautres compared to the CJ (namely, a remote and a HT bypass loop -- the CJ, with neither, is a really bare-bones unit. May matter to you or not.). Either way, a little patience should turn up either a VTL or a CJ used between $7-800 or so and, at that price, they'd both be a right decent piece of equipment. Well, just looked, and there quite a few of the Rogue 66's available in that range as well. Me, I'd be most tempted by the Rogue -- but that's me (remote, no HT bypass loop -- although Mark O'Brien (aka Rogue Audio) would happily put one in for you for about $150 while, at the same time, politely suggesting that your money would be better spent elsewhere.

As for whether any of this would consitute an upgrade from your current, modded stuff - no clue. A shame you can't find a way to audition some stuff, that's really the only way to know....
I upgraded my CJ pv10a to a Rogue 66 Magnum and was/am very happy.
IMHO, the CJ was a bit to warm for my liking but like anything else, beauty is in the ear of the listner.
PLEASE try to find a way to audition whatever you choose in your system before obligating to a final purchase.
I can name a couple of times were I purchased audio equipment based on all the glowing reviews and ended up selling the equipment a couple of months later.
I may rave about the 66 for example but when you put it in your rig, it may not be your cup of tea.
Hi SQUIDDY. Nice system.
I have the VTL 2.5 with internal MC/MM phono section. It sounds wonderful overall and the phono section is probably the best in this price point,IMHO. If you play alot of vinyl, you won't be dissapointed.
Just my $.02

I can't comment on Rogue, never auditioned one.
Sqiddy I too have a AE-3 that has the oil cap upgrade. I just purchased a pair of Infini caps to replace the Kimbers that are stock. I will try to get the Infini's in this weekend. Although I can't speak on the Rouge,CJ,and Blue Circle gear I really like the AE-3. It replaced a LS-7 if that's any food for thought. Anyway let me know what mods you had done on the AE-3 and best of luck on your search. (BTW try the sylvania wgt's if you have not done so-the best-imho)
The DJH signature version is a big step up in transparency and dynamics, even from a modded AE-3 which I sold. Agree wtih the Sylvania suggestion as well. I bought mine used for around 800-850 on Audiogon.