Tube preamp for under $3000

I am looking for some suggestions for a tube pre to mate with my Pass 250.5 amp and Ascendo C8 Renaissance speakers. I would like it to lean toward the tube sound side. Any suggestions?
There is an Audio Horizons 2.3 just listed at $2075.An absolute steal at this price.I owned a 2.2 for many years and it easily bested Calypso,Mod wright,Cary,Sonic Frontiers.
Emotionally immediate from the moment it is powered up,It has a touch of romance and naturalness that are only heard in the best of tubes.

"The point is so many of these conclusions need to be taken in the context of the system."

Point taken, I hear they sound a lot better partnered with their own amplifiers too.

  I choose Manley Labs pre amp over BAT, Modwright, Mcintosh, Primaluna, over all these the BAT was so bad, I couldn't listen to my system at all. And it ran hot as hell!  


Matt M 

BAT only sounds as good as its front end tubes (6H30 in my case).

My VK-300SE doesn't shine unless NOS 6H30s are used ($600/pr from BAT).

You might be able to find an Atma-Sphere MP-3. It is tube, fully balanced and differential and features a direct-coupled output. There is one on here for under $3000 although it is lacking the remote option (which can be added). It also works well with the Pass Labs amplifiers.