Tube preamp suggestions.

I enjoy a lush sound with extended decays, bass with weight, and holographic mids. PRAT, speed, and resolution are not my top prioroties. Looking for a preamp that will compliment my vintage Mcintosh MC275 ( decked out to my tastes with gold lions and telefunkens ) amp and bring digital closer to analogue. Not interested in 6h30 tubes, tried cary slp98, bat and AR ls25 mk2...I seem to prefer the 6922 based versions. Associated gear is Focus Audio FS-88 speakers, using Harmonix interconnects & powercords and nordost SPM cables. I already have dedicated lines and using wattgate outlets with no power conditioners. I really enjoyed the Supratek Shyrah but found it very microphonic, couldnt get within 15 feet of it with a cell phone. Im interested in Emotive preamps and Blue circle but no dealers remotly close to my area. Any opinions on these 2 or or suggestions would be appreciated.
The Audio Horizons TP 2.0 is a 6922 tube based preamp. There are a number of threads here in the forum in which its qualities are discussed. I have found it to be an excellent preamp in my system (VTL MB185 Signature monoblocks; Coincident Tech Super Eclipse Mk III loudspeakers). Perhaps most important for your purpose, it is available for a 30 day trial in your system.
I use the TP 2.0nB version with Siemens tubes.
Lush and the Modwright SWL9.0SE are not synonomous. All respect to the SWL9.0SE. It's excellent. But, it's not lush.
Thanks Jtg, but Prat was not my priority. Too many tubes on the supratek to remember but after seeing another thread on AA I decided not to pursue the issue. Have been looking at some Joule Electras here on agon, might try an la100 just for kicks. An la200 was just listed but looks like it has been removed. Whats going on with the Act2? Seen a few selling in the low 6000's, doesnt seem to make sense that all these CT5 buyers would'nt pony up another 1500 and buy a used Act. Thanks for the suggestions.
I'd recommend a Conrad Johnson or the Cary SLP 2002. I A/B'd these in the same system at the same time. The Cary is 6922 based while the Conrad (PV10B) was 6189 (12AU7) based. Both displayed great musicality and a very nice midrange without being too neutral. The Cary had a significantly bigger and more enveloping soundstage, and extended into the high frequencies much better. So, in effect, the Cary sounded more neutral. The Conrad sounded like it was rolling off the high frequencies. Both had similar bass response (sounded nice in the system). The Cary sounded a little more forward in the presentation. The Cary can be tube rolled with lots more options than the Conrad Johnson to get the sound you want, so I won't explain the differences in sonic signature much more.

The two of us who auditioned it preferred the Cary.

They were in a quality system with good components.