Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?

It's an audiophile debate: Which are better, tubes or transistors? I have a been a big fan of transistors for a long time, but recent auditions have turned me into a partial tube head. Which tube designs sound best? Do transistors sound better?
Sedond, sorry it took so long to respond: I'm going digital. I'm panning to get the TACT room correction system, add a DA module and feed the amp directly. Cheers.
Carl the only thing your cd 50 can wipe ip is the barf from listining to Solid state amps for more than 5 minutes.Krell one of the worst offenders.Krell can even make the best analoge source sound harsh.
I had a solid state Int for 20 years.When it came time to upgrade I went to audition a Sim I5.I liked the unit and was ready to go solid state.The sales guy was hooking up a tube Int and i sat and listened.Boyh amps where in the 2k range.I was floored by the sound comming from the Cary CAD 75I.I became feom that moment on a tube junkie.If you get the chance listen side by side.they not for everyone.If maint and cost and not sound are your main driving forces.Go solid state.If sonics are what drives you,tubes will deliver the goods.
One of the reasons I bought my current amp was the fact that it had tone controls. I think it was a bold step for the company. Jadis felt that they were beneficial to enough people in enough cases to try it out. This model has served as an "evaluation of the market", to test the waters in seeing customer reaction/feedback/long term opinion on them. The preamp section is passive and, I have to say it is a nice combination indeed. They have definitely added to my enjoyment of the music in many cases, so long as one does not go overboard. I hope other manufacturers follow suit in the future. I think we all do not have to follow in lockstep with the establishment in the universal condemnation of tone controls.