Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?

It's an audiophile debate: Which are better, tubes or transistors? I have a been a big fan of transistors for a long time, but recent auditions have turned me into a partial tube head. Which tube designs sound best? Do transistors sound better?
All roads lead to Rome... Good gear is good gear, transistor gear is just much harder to design. Very few transistor designs truly please me, but some do.
Tubes can run in much simpler (therefore easier to design, analyse and voice) circuits.
If I had to choose only one, it would be tubes, but my system is a mixture of both.....
The impression I'm getting is that the ss amps have great detail and bass, but tubes create a soft, pleasing image for mids and highs. Why not take advantage of both in an active biamp pattern? I'm presently using a Mark Leninson 334 to drive my K-horns and LaScalas. The bass doesn't get any better than this, but the mids and highs are a bit harsh at times. I'm thinking about trying a Rane AC22 active crossover to split the signal to the ML334 for the bass, and a Conrad Johnson Premier 12 to handle the mids and highs. Any comments on this idea?
Red: first try upgrading your internal speaker wiring & the crossover too. Refer to the Klipsch site forums & look up the ALK crossover, or email me directly for info.
I find the highs made by SS repro to be a bit harsh on my ears, but other than that it is the same as far as distortion comfort goes. I prefere SET but own and enjoy most types of analog, keeping my digital to just my disc player.
In my experience, solid state does not sound as musical as tubes. On a very basic level, tubes sound more like the instruments sound. SS is thinner, flatter, less fleshed out, less dimensional, less body, less harmonic structure.

I don't care anymore about damping factor, the tightest and most powerful bass, the last shred of detail, the lowest distortion, etc., ad nauseum. All I care about is what gives me the most pleasure and sounds more REAL. To be honest, I have found that tubes actually give the MOST detail; they are better able to sort out the instrumental lines than any solid state amp does. Yes, there might be some tiny detailing that is more evident on SS, but SS still does not keep the instrumental lines as separated and does not give you the organic "whole" of the entire musical ensemble. It's hard to explain, but when you hear the things tubes do so much better, you don't want to listen to SS anymore. I'm a musician, so my ear is quite atuned to knowing what sounds most like the musical experience, and tubes are that.