Turntable lamp suggestions?

Looking for a functional lighting solution for my turntable. Something small and easily adjustable. I think I have seen some gooseneck types in the past. Suggestions and links would be appreciated.......
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Without doubt the Littlites are the best. I've been using them for various applications over the years. Not exactly cheap.

I use the model with the built-in rheostat for dimming. Suggestion, don't keep light on after use. I find that the halogen bulbs don't have a very long life.

As a previous responder pointed out, you will see dust and dirt that you only *thought* you cleaned away.


Here ya go...



Work fine, last a long time...as long as you don't leave em on constantly :)
I have had the littel lite for years....very good. I would look at the 12" because I do believe it has a higher wattage bulb...also could be found at Guitar Center if you have one near by.
The Littlite seems the way to go. It is the one I have seen before. They have so many models though, a bit confusing. Thanks for your responses.....
I picked up a goosneck lamp with an intregal base clamp for around 14.00 bucks at Home Depot and love it.