
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
Any anti vibration tweaks are good.The power cords at right
angles is a good idea also.If it can't be done,the next best thing to do is keep a good distance between them.Run power cords down one side of your rack/shelf,interconnects down the
other side.That helps keep the AC power,that may have radio frequency interference out of it too.The manufacturers have a lot of filters blocking that in the power supplies.Doing your part
to help usually pays of.The manufacturers are big time tweakers' with their budgets,plus they don't know your listening environment like you do.
Agree with Rhljazz on the GIK panels... and agree with Jgiacaloon that rubber/cork/rubber pads @ HVAC suppliers are more effective and less expensive than Vibrapods. I found the Vibrapods to suck the life out of the music.

Macdadtexas - I agree that people need to chill. Let's not forget we all started as newbies.

I sincerely apologize. It was a rough day and I couldn't believe your question. That is until I realized that you are indeed new to this game.

That's why I suggested to read, read, read, there are many threads concerning these items with many different opinions.

In the end, it's not the tweaks that are the most important, it is understanding why these tweaks exist. They exist to try to deal with those sound waves bouncing around the room, because when they hit the components, the components will vibrate and that will cause the components to modify or distort the signal being generated.

Dealing with removing these vibrations so that the signal sent out of the components is as clean as possible is the why. The Vibrapods, Audio Points, etc., etc., etc. are different ways to try to keep the components more stable in order to send a cleaner, more true signal.

I thought that it was more important for you to understand the why, then read all of the zillion threads and differing opinions and thoughts on which one is more suitable. There's no best, only what works to your ear. I really like Sistrum stands and Audio Points, but have recently found the opposite way of thinking device, the Harmonic Resolution platforms, equally as good.

AC and signal leakage from and into other cables is also why people say to cross cables at a 90 degree angle. I also like using the Mapleshade tripod that raises the cables 8" off of the ground and also allow for cable stringing and isolation.

But the best route that I found for me was to find cables that are very well shielded, both from leakage out and penetrating in.

Please understand the whys of these tweaks, and I believe that the different solutions and tweaks will make much more sense since you'll know the problem areas that they're trying to address.

Again, I sincerely apologize for being short and rude.

I can only give you feedback on one of the three things you asked about - anti-vibration devices certainly can make a difference in my experience.

I would qualify that, and further comment on any of the input you get here by saying this:

The differences made by any of these devices or techniques are going to be largely dependent on two important factors - how resolving is your system, and how discriminating are you as a listener? An encouraging answer to both to pursue this further then begs the next question - are the differences you hear worth the price you paid (which I guess is at the core of why you are taking a poll here)? Really, only you can answer this question yourself by trying various things in your own system. I would say that if it is NOT a very resolving system then some of these tweaks may not have a very discernible effect. If it is, then you may want to buy used and listen for yourself. If it doesn't warrant the price, resell them here at a minimal, if any, loss. If you decide to invest in one of those clever little clocks, or telephone calls that transform your entire system, I would warn you that you will not likely recoup that investment anytime soon.