
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
Jax2 clearly said "not likely" and "soon". Neither of these are absolutes that definitively condemn either product.

Jax2 is entitled to his opinion the same as the 1000 audiogon customers that are cited.
Of course 1000 people could be wrong!
Look how many people voted for XXX (fill in 'favorite, here'!!!)

And, like voting, tweaks without coherent scientific theory are also an 'act of faith'. Look how many supporters politician X has even after getting caught in some amazing scam or in a relationship with a barnyard animal.
"In all fairness to the 'other school of thought', some of the science associated with tweaks is a little .... weak? Solid State Microphonics?"

Microphonic resonance in SS circuits (caused by fluctuating electrostatic forces in silicon chips and PCB traces)is a recognized scientific phenomenon. (Do a search on "Resonister.") I just finished treating all the chipsets and traces in my CDP with an anti-resonance paint that supposedly contains dense iridium. The improvement was astonishing and on par with prior circuit mods and piece parts upgrades.
"Crossing wires at 90*: another thing that can easily be done (instead) is to keep them all at least an inch (2.5mm) 3mm apart. Easy to do with a plumbing-pipe foam insulation tube, cut up into short bits.. then place the tube bits around the wires where they touch or cross. I even use a bit of packing tape if the tubes want to slip off each other (just on the tube things). Also on the ground: using a paper towel roll tube, taped up with packing tape, then cut into 1/2 inch (1mm) high circles, under the cables on the floor. You could even wrap them in black paper to look cooler. Remember we owe this idea (raising cables off the floor)to Enid Lumley.
These 'nearly free tweaks are great.
To comment on 'expensive tweaks': well a fool and his (her) money are soon parted. Try the free (or nearly free) tweaks first!!
Also footers. Search the web and find Chemical rubber bottle stoppers sizes 8 to 10. They cost about a dollar each. Or, find the industrial urethane vibration control half-domes and pay only $2 to $5 each.
I use a LOT of size 10 bottle stoppers. Love them.
Cheap IS better. I then can spend the money an better equipment.. instead of trying to $$$ money-tweak my way to better sound.
For Hypothetical Example: A setup with $1,000. each pair cables, $2,000 speaker cables and a $3,000 amp? or a set of $200. cables, $400. speaker wires and a $$5,000 amp?
I refuse to spend money in the wrong place!!
I do confess I also do not bother with room treatments, however old and foolish this makes me look.
I would make some of the wall panels with the different height blocks.. but I am too cheap to pay the retail, and too lazy to make them. They look cool to me.
Leave the room, you components! Yes, all this talk about vibration misses something that should have been obvious to this subject, and that is isolate your components, especially vinyl stuff, to an adjacent room space. That way, all the acoustic energy in the listening room will not impact your components. You will be surprised at the difference.
I know, that is not often possible given PAF and other real world considerations. However, it should be tried on a temporary basis to give you a sense of what that change can do to improve the sound in your listening space. If you like the improvement, consider building an isolation box, especially for the turntable, where it will make the most difference. I have experienced two listening rooms where it was done and it made an unbelievable positive difference. It was easy to hear the difference, box and no box.