Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Rgs92, you're welcome. IMHO doing both may be overkill since the upgrade and the SR are supposed to accomplish the same thing. I would be very interested in hearing if you do both how the sound sounds. You can A/B with and without the PowerCell. You will probably be the first person in the world to do both and to report about it. I am doing a PowerCell 10SE with Galileo MPC.
Thanks Sabai.
EMM said that the X upgrade is very significant,
like night & day. I from them that
the change is more than just power supply, but
involved the digital processing itself.
Rgs92, you're welcome. I am sure the X is a really major upgrade. Of course, it must include changes in the digital processing to achieve the 3D sonic effects that are being talked about. My point is that if you do the X upgrade AND buy an SR PowerCell it may be overkill because one OR the other options may provide you with the sonic benefits you are looking for. For me, since the SR PowerCell 10SE will treat my whole system, not just my EMM, and adding the new Galileo MPC will greatly enhance the PowerCell's effects, this is the route I will take. Add a few tweaks -- like the SR MiGs -- and I think I'll have a wonderful system. As well, buying the PowerCell is a much cheaper option for me -- it saves me over $1000 shipping and other costs -- each way -- to and from EMM in Canada for the upgrade. So the EMM upgrade would cost me over $7000. I will also be getting a trade-in for the conditioner I am now using, so the PowerCell plus the Galileo MPC will be costing me $5000 net. But if I do the X upgrade and keep my present power conditioner the cost to me for both is over $8300. I don't have a money tree in the back yard. I have to think about costs as well as sonic benefits and weigh everything carefully. I think I'll be getting the most bang for my buck with the SR PowerCell. I will have it in my system by December 20 and will post here how my system sounds with the PowerCell in place. You may find this helpful -- before you make your decision how you want to spend your hard-earned dollars.
Yes, thank you Sabai. I am still considering my options too (including just playing around with power cords).
It is amazing how much power makes a difference in tonal quality, especially in the bass and high treble).
The changes with power input are just as large as interconnects make. Good luck and I would love to hear your findings.
Rgs92, I agree, cabling can make a huge difference. I have also found that the particular plug and IEC you choose (if you are doing DIY work like I do) can change everything. You may note that a couple of the highest end SR plugs used to come from Oyaide -- one was the 079. I think SR are developing their own plugs now -- the G07 being the new one. I can report a change that I made to my system yesterday that astonished me. I had my Gabriel Gold Reflection power cord connected from my power conditioner to my EMM CDP. On a whim I connected it from my Tesla Plex into my power conditioner -- replacing an SR Master Coupler terminated with Oyaide plug and IEC -- and I plugged the EMM into the power conditioner using the Master Coupler. This has made a HUGE difference in resolution, dynamics and sound stage. Of course, my cabling configuration will change when I add the SR PowerCell 10SE to my system next month. So you may not have to double down with an X upgrade PLUS a PowerCell 10SE to get great results. Yes, cabling and plugs have sometimes made such a huge change in my system that they made it sound like a new component was added to the system or that one of my components was upgraded.