Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
That's just an amazing level of research you've done here.
I think we agree here that the CDSA and the EMM sound in general is something that is special
(and has been for the last 6-7 years) and is a great platform to invest in.
Rgs92, There is a lot more that I have done that I have not posted here. Everything I have done has helped. Some things are "big wow" and other things are "little wow". But it all adds up. It is cumulative. You and I agree that the EMM is special. The fact that Alex of APL does not agree is understandable. It is not unusual for makers to downplay the attributes of competitors' products. And, in fact, his APL products may produce superior sonic results. I have never auditioned an APL so I cannot comment from personal experience. I can only go on what others say. In any case, for folks like me who cannot afford an APL we are left with trying to make our EMM sound the very best that it can. I have had a lot of success with this and am very happy with the results. The sound is like night and day with everything I have done. You would not recognize the EMM if you did A/Bing before and after. In spite of the fact that others may dismiss all this, for me it remains a very important factor in having beautiful music in the house. That's the bottom line for me.
Rgs2, I have just piggy-backed two ICs from my EMM to my integrated amp. I am tired of answering spam -- from others, not you -- so please PM me if you would like the details.
Alot of interesting works been done by you guys. My CDSA has been fairly stock standard on a slung isolation stand for a good while. I've recently tried some Teo Liquid cables that have added a good step in the right direction but more in line with thread the other tweaks I've been trying are Acoustic Revive's RCG-24 Ground Conditioner and their RR-77 Pulse Wave thing. Not sure on the RR-77 but the RGC-24 makes a difference. In my system take it out and you lose some of the music, decay isn't as natural, vocals lose some of their character and instruments don't carry quite the same weight. I'll be keeping the RCG-24 and might revisit the 77 when I've gotten more used to the system as it is now
Anyone who would like information about the amazing results obtained by putting 2 XLR ICs in series from my EMM to my integrated amp can PM me.