Two subwoofers??

I have an MX-700 sub. I love the speed that the twin 8" drivers deliver, but I could use more "impact". I know that this sub is room sensitive, and it has been placed with care, so I am fairly certain that I am getting all I can from the sub. I have been toying with the idea of adding a second MX-700 (my wife does not know this). I know that you can gain up to 6db from a second sub, but I am worried about sound cancellation. My question is this:

Has anyone tried a second sub, and what were the overall effects?


For anyone that has a second sub, what placement is the best to avoid sound cancellation?

Love to hear from anyone whose wife is more understanding of this fun hobby.......
I've got a pair of Sunfire True Sub Signatures in my main system. I'm using them stacked, along a wall. I have adjusted the phase of one of them by ear to avoid cancellation with my main speakers. I've set the phase of the other one to be identical with the first one, so they will reinforce rather than cancel. It sounds pretty good.
I'm using a Legacy Pacemaker (2- 15" drivers with seperate enclosed 175 watt amps). One driver is left cannel, the other is right. There is no summing network to screw up the sound. -3dB point is 16 HZ. Works very well for me. Don
I have been running dual B&W ASW800 subs placed about 4 feet rearward of my 801 III's. I love the seamless blend and would not go without them in my larger room. I run them from the RCA out of the pre amp since everything else is balanced.
I've experimented with my pair of Titan IIs quite a bit. I've stuck them in the same corner (got the absolute highest output level this way). I ended up with one almost in the corner behind the main speaker and one about 2/3 of the way along the wall behind the main speakers. It get very smooth room response and very good overall performance. My advice would be to experiment. Every room and system is different.
You should take a look at the Bag End Infra-sub 18 inch subwoofer. Extremely musical and tight. Used usually sell for around $850 and new at $1600.

There is no other sub that I am aware of at this price break that can even begin to approach the musical definition that this 18 inch sub reproduces which is all the way down to 8Hz.

There is no such thing as an 8 inch subwoofer especially at this price range. No matter what they say. An 8 inch sub which bottoms out at 30Hz is not a sub. It is a woofer.