Universal players as a transport

I am looking for a universal player to use as a transport with a Class Dac-1. Used players with a budget of $500 max. Would prefer player with SACD but not essential. Usual suspects - Sony 9000, 999, 9100 / Pioneer 79, 59 / Denon 5900, 9000, 3910, etc.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkira
Oppo 983. $399 New with warranty and does everything at least as well as the one's you mentions.

Oppo. You will have to spend much, much more to better it as a transport. Even pairing it with a jitter reduction device will be cheaper, and in the long run, allow you to change transport as technology changes.
If you look over at Tweak Audio, he's got a digital-out mod for the Oppo 980. $200. bucks + $169. unit cost. He's got some interesting ideas w/ this 32 bit DAC also, the AKM 4397.

So it might be worth investigating. I've been thinking about writing him to see what the dig-out mod entails.