Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?

Is there way to definitively tell if a universal player converts DSD (SACD) to PCM before convertion to analog? I am talking about 2 ch Audio output from the player here.

When I talk to retailers about this I usually get a blank stare.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Why do you care? High Res PCM is as good (some say better) than DSD. Also most mixing consoles are PCM, and Sony's design for DSD recognizes this fact of life and makes conversion easy. Listen to the equipment, not to Sony's hype.
One can read the manufacturer's description. I know the Denon 2900 does not convert DSD to PCM.
I think DSD is only converted to PCM if bass management and speaker distance is used. And only in some machines. Two channel is not converted to PCM. That is my understanding, someone correct me if I am worng.
I think the Marantz DV8300 and up, does no such thing. Convert, that is.

But, if you really wanna get a pure answer - email the manufacturer or email the construction designer of a product you fancy. They are mostly happy to talk about, and help solving this kind of problems. And they will know, not guess.
