Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?

Is there way to definitively tell if a universal player converts DSD (SACD) to PCM before convertion to analog? I am talking about 2 ch Audio output from the player here.

When I talk to retailers about this I usually get a blank stare.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Izsakmixer...I guess I used the wrong terminology, "mixed". I didn't know that you guys distinguish mixing from other kinds of processing. I am going by the markings that I see on CDs, for example "ADD" meaning a digital release, processed digitally, from an analog master. Most of my discs are classical, and mixing practices (pardon the term) may be different.

By the way, it seems to me that mixing would be the one process that would benefit most from digital, because the exact timing would make it possible to combine multiple tracks without the usual multitracking phase bluring problems.

You are so in in theaory, but it is exactly the timing that makes it so bad. Let me explain.
There are no PCM mixing solutions out there that have proper "delay managment", meaning that all inputs arrive at the output different times depending on processing used.
(Like EQ, Dynamics all will add a few samples of delay to the processed tracks.)
In other words, PCM MIX is never time coherent.

Many companies have tried to fix this, with no avail.
It is a complex issue. But this is exactly why PCM mixing is out of question when it comes to proper sound.

Mastering is different becouse your apply processing in the same manner to all tracks.
Oh boy. ADAT, Pro TOols all the evil tools for sound.
Yes I agree, unfortunatley this is the case, especially lately. Almost all pop records and even some jazz now are produced on ProTools, the worst sounding PCM gear, but also the tool that allows a not so popular artist to make a record cheep and easy.

All that told NOT ALL PCM created equal. Like some early PCM recording off of SONY and Mitsu DASH machines are actually really ok, thanks to the descrete converters they used a the time. ADAT (Black 16bit) was probably the worst in terms of sound quality ever. But then again if it wasnt for ADAT's Alanis Moriset would have not been able surface.

What really is bothersome, that we as consumers don't have anough to go on prior to purchase. Like I would really like to know ADAT and ProTools Recorded material so I would not buy it AGAIN on high res if I already own the CD anyway.
Izsakmixer...Sounds like the people who designed digital mixers did a lousy job. Obviously what you call "delay management" is required. I have not been involved with digital audio (except as a user) but the business of syncing up realtime digital data streams, including sampling frequency conversions, is not that big a deal.