Upgrade bug has hit, interested in Pass Labs Amps

So as I am feeling the upgrade bug, I have been looking into upgrading my amp. Currently I have Bel Canto Ref1000s and I feel that the class D amps are not giving me the quality of sound that I would like to receive, lacking fullness and realistic qualities. So I have been looking into Pass Labs X250 and X250.5 amps, from what I have read these are very good amps and should be a considerable upgrade from my ref1000s???? Also what is the difference in the X250 and the X250.5? Is it worth the extra 1000-1500 that I have seen them for on here?
Also any other SS amps in this price range give or take a few dollars that are recommended?
Hi Tim, how long have you used the BCs? Are you using Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mk.1 or Mk.2 monos? If you own the earlier version, it is my understanding that the very recent Mk.2 version is musically signifacantly enhanced and that the cost of the upgrade is quite reasonable. I am breaking in a pair of Mk.2s and am quite stunned by their musicality. Granted, I would not call them 'warm' per se, but neutral and harmonically complex. My 20 year old Rowland 7Ms could be rated as 'warm' instead but I much prefer the sonic signature of the Bel cantos R1000 Mk.2s.
If you want to try the Pass series, and your preference were for a sound on the warmer side of neutral, why not have a look also at the Pass XA.5 series? They are said to be even slightly more refined than the X.5 models, and slightly warmer as well. Guido
I have prob had them about 7 months now, they are the mk1s. Yeah, I to have heard good things about the mk2s. I just dont know if I can justify putting 2k into upgrading them, when I can sell the mk1s, for about 2k, and add about 2k to that, and start looking for amps in that area. Also, I am using Paradigm Studio 60 v3. Which will get upgraded before or after the amp.

My short list is
Focal Electra 1027BE
Dali Helicon 400mk2
Dali MS4
Dynaudio Contour S5.4
Wilson Sophia

Would I be better off replacing the amp or speakers first??

One more thing to consider is connectivity and PCs. . . What are you using right now? not everything works well with any electronics, and Bel Canto amps are no exception. Guido
So I run a bel canto dac3 into the ref1000s viA analysis plus solo crystal oval balanced Interconnects. That is connected to a mac mini via kimber USB cable. Hope this helps to get a better image of my setup .
Speakers first! The only speakers on your list I have heard are the Dynaudios, actually it was the S 3.4s. As a previous owner of the Studio 60v.2 speakers I can say the improvement with the Dyns was not subtle.