Upgrade from my internal Primaluna phono stage... Audio Alchemy PPA-1? What else?

So I am currently using the built in phono stage in my Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated (along with an Audio Interface CTS-80 SUT). The other gear is a VPI Classic 2 w/ 3D arm, Dynavector DV20X w/ Soundsmith Ruby retip, Devore Gibbon Super 8s. Musical taste is all over the place but is generally 60's to 80's underground rock, soul/funk, jazz, reggae. Not really any Classical or much modern stuff.

The Primaluna phono stage is better than I thought it might be but not sure just how good as I haven't heard this amp with anything else. Can't really tell how far I need to go to get a noticeable improvement. Can't really spend more than $1k if that (really should be less), but am happy to buy used gear.

Anyone else have the Primaluna phono board and upgraded? How much better can I do for under $1k?
Been scanning the ads here and the other usual places and doing plenty of research but I just keep going in circles. Too many options and no clear winner. Hopefully you guys can help narrow things down with experience with some of the same particular gear I am using.

I like tubes but don't feel it is 100% necessary as I have tubes in the rest of the path. I like the idea of MC capable especially with loading options but I have a quality SUT so it is also not necessary. A small chassis is nice as space is limited but a full size component is ok if it isn't too tall. No space for some big Audio Research type piece of gear. I am in NYC and in a 100 year old house with some wacky wiring so a good power supply and noise rejection is a plus, too.

I am Intrigued by the Audio Alchemy PPA-1 since Audio Advisor has them on sale for $799 ($1795 MSRP) but there is surprisingly little info on them out there beyond a positive Michael Fremer review and some other passing mentions which are also all positive. Seems odd for something that appears to have been out for a couple years now. Anyone actually have one or at least heard it? What else should I be looking at?

Check out the Croft RIAA. You can return it if you don’t like it!

Nice. Seen Croft mentioned before but had only seen the full preamp and not the RIAA Phono. Good option.

Sorry about that delay. The only serious phono amp I used prior to the PPA-1 is the Sonic Frontiers. They are both very good but the AA is better in my system. It has a lot more detail and still has a glorious mid-range, stage width & depth. It really beats the SF on the top end. I would say the SF is slightly better on the bottom. The AA just sounds more natural in my system where the SF is a little darker.  
Sorry about that delay. The only serious phono amp I used prior to the PPA-1 is the Sonic Frontiers. They are both very good but the AA is better in my system. It has a lot more detail and still has a glorious mid-range, stage width & depth. It really beats the SF on the top end. I would say the SF is slightly better on the bottom. The AA just sounds more natural in my system where the SF is a little darker.

More detail and bigger soundstage is certainly good, but I am a little worried about bass. The Devores tend toward the lean side in my system/room so I don't want to lose any low end and was hoping to gain some actually.
Are you running an MC? How much experimenting did you do with the loading and how much difference did it make?
I had heard that Primaluna might be coming out with a stand alone tube phono preamp. This would be perfect for you , if they do indeed decide to design one. I prefer a tube phono preamp myself. I really enjoy being able to adjust the sound with different NOS/New Issue tubes.
I had heard that Primaluna might be coming out with a stand alone tube phono preamp. This would be perfect for you , if they do indeed decide to design one. I prefer a tube phono preamp myself. I really enjoy being able to adjust the sound with different NOS/New Issue tubes.
Ooh, I will look into that. Thanks. I like tube rolling but tend to drive myself a little crazy with it, too, though. Still trying different combos in my PL after having it for like 6 months.